Budget & Finance
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Report Title | Category | Details |
Academic Affairs Leadership Dashboard This dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of key metrics across critical areas, including Fiscal and Student data. It is designed to empower leaders, such as Assistant Deans, with the insights needed to effectively monitor and manage these critical domains. The dashboard includes: Fiscal Data Student Data Facilities Data (link to external reports) HR Data (coming soon!) Faculty Data (coming soon!) Research Data (coming soon!) New |
Leadership (Restricted) | View Details |
Accounts Receivable Panorama Accounts Receivable Panorama is a collection of reports that provide departments with an overview of their receivables and related credit memos, customer account attributes, incoming and unclaimed cash receipts, and merchant transactions. The Accounts Receivable dashboard includes the following pages:  List of Reports  Credit Memos  Customer Master File Customer Transaction Register Incoming Payments (Receipts)  Merchant Transactions  Miscellaneous Receipts Receivables Aging Report SPARCM to OFC Transaction Number Link Provide departments with an overview of their receivables and related credit memos, customer account attributes, incoming and unclaimed cash receipts, and merchant transactions.  New |
Financial Management | View Details |
Admin Assistant Commonly Used Reports This contains Commonly Used Reports for Admin. Reports: 1. Expanded Project Summary 2. Project Information Lookup Panorama 3.Transaction Details New |
Commonly Used Reports | View Details |
Assessment Reconciliation Report The Assessment Reconciliation Report helps users reconcile assessments like Differential Income and ASSA that are charged on certain revenues. The report calculates the assessments that should be charged and compares them to actual assessments. A GL Balance Summary includes uncharged assessments to provide a projected balance. This report helps in determining the projected balance of service agreement projects net of any projected assessments that still need to be charged.  This report has 3 separate pages Assessment reconciliation – showing summary section for GL balance with projected assessments ( calculated - actual ) and a detail section showing the calculations for the projected assessment used in the summary section above. Revenue – Showing all the revenue associated to the project Assessments – Showing all details for actual assessments associated to the project Please note that only funds that are charged Differential Income and ASSA are included How much is still available to spend on service agreements Net of differential income assessments that won't be charged until the end of the fiscal year New |
Exceptions and Reconcilation | View Details |
Athletics Expense Reports The report summarizes Intercollegiate Athletics expenses on a sport-by-sport basis into NCAA-required reporting categories, and data will be reported to the NCAA and Department of Education. The Athletics Expense Reports dashboard includes the following pages:  Athletics Expenses  Guarantees  Head Coaching Salaries  Assistant Coaching Salaries  Support Staff/Admin Salaries  Recruiting  Team Travel  Equipment, Uniforms and Supplies  Game Expenses  Fundraising, Marketing and Promotions  Sports Camp Expenses  Spirit Groups  Direct Overhead  Medical Expenses and Insurance  Memberships and Dues  Student Athlete Meals  Other  All Summarizes Intercollegiate Athletics expenses on a sport-by-sport basis into NCAA-required reporting categories.  Reported to the NCAA and Department of Education.  New |
Department-Specific | View Details |
Athletics Revenue Reports The report summarizes Intercollegiate Athletics revenue on a sport-by-sport basis into NCAA-required reporting categories, and data will be reported to the NCAA and Department of Education.   The Athletics Revenue dashboard includes the following pages:  Athletics Revenue  Ticket Sales  Student Fees  Guarantees  Contributions  Programs, Concessions, Novelty Sales and Parking  Royalties, Licensing, Advertisements and Sponsorships  Sports Camp Revenue  Endowments and Investments  Media Rights  NCAA Distributions Including Tournament Revenue  Conference Distributions  Direct Institutional Support  All Transactions  Recharge Revenue  Other Ticket Sales - 1  Other Ticket Sales - 2  Other Media Rights and Programs  Other NCAA and Conference Distributions  Other Royalties, Licensing, Advertisements and Sponsorships  Other Sports Camp  All Other Revenue  Summarizes Intercollegiate Athletics revenue on a sport-by-sport basis into NCAA-required reporting categories.  Reported to the NCAA and Department of Education.  New |
Department-Specific | View Details |
Audit Report Access List by Report Name Displays report runs and distinct user counts for BI Publisher reports. New |
Central Offices | View Details |
Award Trial Balance Report The Award Trial Balance Report provides summary-level information about Expenses, Invoices and Payments. To review the Financial health of the Award. To view high level information for the Awards Total Expenses, Invoices and Payment Receipts New |
Financial Management | View Details |
Bookstore Recharge Report This report leverages UC San Diego Bookstore transaction data from Ratex (for transactions between 11/20/17 and 01/31/22) and NetSuite (for transactions from 02/01/2022 to the present). It is comprised of four reports: two summary reports and two drill through reports. The parameter selection pages enable users to filter data based on parameters such as year, month, and Index PTF (Project, Task, and Funding Source). By clicking on the reference number in a summary report, users can drill down to view more detailed transaction information. Additionally, each report includes bookstore contact details for inquiries related to the user's account. Ratex (Recharge Summary Report Fields): Period_Num Dept Project Name Task Name Financial Unit Index Ptf Recharge Date Transaction Number Customer Name Transaction Total Expenditure Batch (Concatenated Field) Item Account Code Expenditure Type Pretax Total (Calculated Field) Ratex (Detail Report Fields): Transaction Number Recharge Date Customer Name Task Name Phone Financial Unit Index Ptf Expenditure Type Item Description Item Serial Number Unit Price Item Quantity Item Extended Price Source Transaction Subtotal Taxtotal Total Charge Expenditure Batch (Concatenated Field) NetSuite (Recharge Summary Report): Trandate Fin Unit Project Number Task Number Funding Source Date Tranid Customer Name Transaction Total Po Nspo Expenditure Batch (Concatenated Field) NetSuite (Recharge Detail Report): Tranid Trandate Customer Name Customer Email Customer Phone Fin Unit Project Number Task Number Funding Source Shipping Address Item Display Serial Number Rate Quantity Amount Subtotal Taxtotal Transaction Total Expenditure Batch (Concatenated Field) New |
Campus Recharges | View Details |
Budget vs Actual This report provides the user with budget, actual, carryforward balance, and budget. This report presents Resources, Expenses, and Change in Net Position in a table format and includes the prior year’s carryforward as a beginning balance in the Resources Available Balances (Actuals) section to provide the user with a financial position at any given point in time. This report can be run to answer the following questions: How is my FinUnit or Project performing compared to budget? Is my FinUnit or Project in net surplus or net deficit? What is the July 1 Beginning Net Position of my FinUnit or Project? What is the Current Ending Net Position of my FinUnit or Project? What is the amount purchased for Capital Assets for my FinUnit or Project? What is the amount of Resources Available for my FinUnit or Project? New |
Budget & Planning | View Details |
Budget vs Actual Monthly Variance Detail This report provides the user with budget and actual expense data in a table format displayed across three time spans: Period, Year-to-Date (YTD), and Annual.  The Budget vs Actual Monthly Variance Detail report presents budget and actual expense data in a table format, divided into six separate pages. The pages offer two different views: a detailed view, which includes posting-level information for Fund and Project, and a condensed view. The data is displayed across three time spans: Period, Year-to-Date (YTD), and Annual. This report can be run to answer the following questions: How is my Financial Unit or Project performing compared to budget? What are the General Ledger (GL) transactions that make up the actual values for my Financial Unit? How much of my annual budget have I spent year-to-date (YTD)? New |
Budget & Planning | View Details |
Campus User Roles The Campus User Roles Report provides the OFC roles and associated Business Units, Ledgers and other security contexts for those roles. Searchable by user email, username, assignment number, department and role. The Campus User Roles dashboard is a single-page report that includes the following details:  Campus User Role Report  Provides the OFC roles and associated Business Units, Ledgers and other security contexts for those roles.   Searchable by user email, username, assignment number, department and role.  New |
Information Lookups | View Details |
Capital Equipment Management Report Capital Equipment Management Report lists all requisitions on items acquired where cost exceeds $5,000. The cost includes entire requisition and auxiliary cost associated such as shipping, delivery, installation, taxes, etc. The Capital Equipment Management Report dashboard is a single-page report that includes the following details:  Capital Equipment Management Report  Lists all requisitions on items acquired where cost exceeds $5,000.   Includes entire requisition and auxiliary cost associated such as shipping, delivery, installation, taxes, etc.  New |
Central Offices | View Details |
Capital Project Panorama This is a custom look at capital projects developed to support the Real Estate reporting. The Capital Projects dashboard is a single-page report that includes the following details:  Capital Projects PPM Expanded Project Summary  Support the Real Estate reporting. New |
Department-Specific | View Details |
Cellular Report The Cellular Recharge Summary Report contains the detailed recharges posted to the department chart strings: Project, Task, & Funding Source in OFC. The primary audience for this report are financial officers looking to reconcile the Cellular recharges posted to their department ledgers. KBA Coming Soon... KBA Coming Soon... New |
Campus Recharges | View Details |
Central Cashiers Dashboard A collection of analyses and reports to support the operational tasks of the Central Cashier’s team. This dashboard includes the following pages:  Daily Activity Incoming Payments (Receipts) Applied Receipt Register Unapplied Receipt Register SPARCM Invoice to OFC Transaction Link Unprocessed Transactions With Errors View daily activity by date detailing receipt information such as receipt number, cashier, amount, and status. Track receipts and review the details of applied and unapplied receipts. New |
Central Offices | View Details |
Central Office Exceptions Panorama The Central Office Exceptions panorama shows financial discrepancies in the Oracle Financial System. The Exceptions dashboard includes the following pages:  List of Reports  Non-Sponsored Project Names Starting with SP  Receipts to PPM Recon  Revenue in Fund 13037  Revenue on SP Funds Not from Contracts  Project Transaction Controls PIP Transactions Not Cleared Misc Cost Transactions Stuck in Staging Table SP Revenue and AR Wrong Accounting - PPM SP Revenue and AR Wrong Accounting - Receivables SP Generate Revenue Process Errors GL-PPM Receivables 773046 Account Reconciliation Transactions Posted After End Date Revenue on Fund 13037 - Recent Accounting Shows financial discrepancies in the Oracle Financial System.  New |
Central Offices | View Details |
Chart of Accounts Panorama Hierarchies help define structure, and provide for standard and consistent financial reporting to our various stakeholders about UC San Diego’s financial performance and financial position over a specified period of time. Chart of Accounts Panorama is designed to help you explore the UCSD Chart of Accounts and hierarchies. The Chart of Accounts dashboard includes the following pages:  Entity  Standard Fund Hierarchy  FinU (Financial Unit)  Standard Account Hierarchy  Function  Program  Location  Project  Activity  Interentity  Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy  Managerial Reporting Fund Hierarchy  Define structure  Provide for standard and consistent financial reporting to our various stakeholders about UC San Diego’s financial performance and financial position over a specified period   Explore the UCSD Chart of Accounts and hierarchies.  New |
Information Lookups | View Details |
Commonly Used Reports for Monthly Reconciliation This contains Commonly Used Reports for Monthly Reconciliation Reports for Performance of Key Controls: Transaction Details GL-PPM Reconciliation Default Project Payroll Deficit Report - Operating Funds Deficit Report - Sponsored Projects Consolidated Exceptions Report Department Exceptions Panorama New |
Commonly Used Reports | View Details |
Compensation Planning This dashboard delivers an initial suite of compensation planning reports intended to support campus business officers. They are designed to support internal position management as well as the monthly and year end variance analysis of budget vs. payroll expenses captured in the Oracle Planning and Budgeting tool and UCPath.  The Compensation Planning Dashboard includes the following pages:  BDP Audit Report BDP Analysis Report Staffing List Detail Report BDP User Roles Report Budget vs Actual with Projections Report by Position ID – Monthly View Budget vs Actual Report: FTE, Salaries and Benefits – Year End Variance Budgeted Positions Report Search Tool for Budgeted Positions using Position ID Monthly reconciliation of core recurring positions Monthly and year end variance analysis of campus resources on payroll expenses Data analysis of budgeted positions New |
Budget & Planning | View Details |
Concur Expense Reports The report displays Concur Expense Report details, enabling the user to review multiple Concur expense reports at once using various prompts. This report shows all expenses assigned to a Concur Expense Report. If an expense is not assigned to an expense report it would NOT show in this report. For unassigned credit card transactions please view the credit card transactions report. Header Report: This report provides high-level information about the Concur Expense Report Transactions including fields such as the Expense Report ID, Report Name, Employee, Report Type, Payment Status, Approver Information, and Report Amount. Entry Report: Header Report + additional line-level information for Concur Expense Report Transactions such as Expense Type, Vendor Information, and Line Amounts. Allocation Report: Header Report + Entry Report + Allocation information includes COA, Project, Task, and Expenditure Type information found within Concur. The report will help answer business questions related to the status of expense reports that require action, as well as past totals for travel, event and procurement card expenses. Below are just some of the business questions that can be answered by this report What actions do I need to take on my Concur expense reports? What are all the expense reports associated to my project/financial unit? What expenses associated to my project are not yet paid but should be accounted for? What expense reports are currently pending financial unit approval from my department's financial unit? What expense reports were approved this month? New |
Concur | View Details |
Concur Requests Report The report displays Concur Request details, enabling the user to review multiple Concur requests at once using various prompts. The report will help answer business questions related to the status of requests, as well as past requests for travel, event, gift card and human subject payments requests, along with university credit card requests. Header Report: This report provides high-level information about the Concur Requests including fields such as the Request ID, Request Name, Employee, Request Type, Approver Information, and Request Amount. Entry Report: Includes all information in the Header report plus additional line-level information for Concur Request lines such as Expense Type and Line Amounts. Allocation Report: Includes all information in the Header report plus and Entry Report plus Allocation information includes COA, Project, Task, and Expenditure Type information found within Concur. The report will help answer business questions related to the status of requests that require action, as well as past information for travel, event and card requests. Below are just some of the business questions that can be answered by this report What actions do I need to take on my Concur requests? What are all the requests associated to my project/financial unit? What requests are currently pending financial unit approval from my department's financial unit? What are all the requests someone has submitted or created over a certain time period? New |
Concur | View Details |
Consolidated Exceptions Report This dashboard combines six different reports in an effort to consolidate reporting and reduce the number of reports users have to run for reconciliation each month. The dashboard includes: Closed Projects with GL Balance Misposted Misc Receipts on SP Multiple Project Roles Project Setup to GL Match Errors Salary on Fellowship Award Transactions on No Project New |
Exceptions and Reconcilation | View Details |
Contract Management Dashboard Displays summary and detailed information for award and general contract revenue, invoicing, payments, and receipts. "The UCSD PPM Project Budget and Contract Manager JR role is required to run these reports." The Contract Management Dashboard includes the following reports: Award Contract and Project Summary General Contract and Project Summary Contract Invoice and Payment Details Receipt Details Sponsored AR Aging Receivables Aging Report Generate Invoice Process Errors - Non-Sponsored Non-Sponsored Generate Revenue Process Errors Non-Sponsored Contract Lines Without Project or Task Non-Sponsored Contracts Without Revenue Account or Fund Non-SP Contract AR COA Billing Exceptions Non-SP Contract PPM COA Billing Exceptions Invoice Approval BPM Contract Approval BPM Are there invoices on my contracts that have not yet been paid? Have I created invoices for all of the revenue recognized on my contracts? What invoices have been created on a project? What receipts were applied to my invoices? What receipts were applied to my project? Where was a receipt applied? New |
Financial Management | View Details |
Contract Overview Report The Contract Overview Report provides a variety of non-financial data for non-sponsored contracts. The Contract Overview Report only includes one page. What open contracts does my Financial Unit hold in OFC Contracts? When do they end? What project and task are they on? How are all my department’s contracts classified?  What are all of my department’s newly created contracts? New |
Information Lookups | View Details |
Cost of Operations Dashboard The Cost of Operations Dashboard helps self-supporting units analyze the drivers of their costs and changes to those costs over time. It can be used to support development of recharge rate proposals or other cost recovery proposals. The dashboard uses PPM and Labor Ledger data. This dashboard includes four pages: Summary Payroll Non-Payroll Federally Unallowable Costs How has the cost of operating my unit changed over time?  What types of costs have driven increases or decreases in the cost of operating my unit? Did costs go up because we hired more people, because people were promoted into higher-level positions, or because of general salary increases? Did the cost of the items we buy go up, or did we buy more of those items? What items do we buy to support our operations? New |
Campus Recharges | View Details |
Cost Share Reconciliation Dashboard This dashboard helps departments identify issues related to cost share that should be resolved. The Cost Share Reconciliation Dashboard includes following contents: PPM Summary GL Summary Misposted Transactions Have I over- or under-spent my cost share budget? Are there costs that have been coded with the wrong task or wrong funding source?  Have I funded cost share with resources in the General Ledger? New |
Exceptions and Reconcilation | View Details |
Cost Share Compliance Report Displays Awards with Cost Sharing Commitments, PPM Project Costs against those commitments, and remaining balances. The Cost Sharing Report is a single-page report that includes the following details:  Cost Sharing  Funding Source Name  Award Org  Award Number  Principal Inv  Project Number  Unmet Percent  Expenditure Start Date  Expenditure End Date  Displays Awards with Cost Sharing Commitments, PPM Project Costs against those commitments, and remaining balances.  New |
Financial Management | View Details |
Credit Card Transactions The Concur Credit Card Transactions report provides information on all Concur-related card products, including Travel & Entertainment Cards, Procurement Cards (P-cards), and UCSD centrally billed CTS Air and Hotel Cards. This report helps users find card transactions that are both assigned or unassigned to a Concur expense report. Use this report for all your Concur credit card related needs. All Credit Card Transactions: Includes UC San Diego Credit Card transactions that are assigned and unassigned to an expense report in Concur Assigned Credit Card Transactions:  Includes only UC San Diego Credit Card transactions that are assigned to an expense report in Concur. Since it is assigned to an expense report in Concur, you can filter using chart of accounts from the expense report. Unassigned Credit Card Transactions: Includes only UC San Diego Credit Card transactions that are NOT assigned to an expense report in Concur. No chart of account information is available as the transaction is unassigned. The only COA information is the cardholder's Payroll Profile Primary Assignment Financial Unit The reports will help answer business questions related to the status of credit card transactions, as well as past totals. Below are just some of the business questions that can be answered by this report What credit card transactions are unassigned within my financial unit? What is the total Procurement Card spend for my financial unit? Have my credit card transactions been approved through Concur? What are all the assigned Concur credit card transactions on my Project?   New |
Concur | View Details |
Credit Cardholders Report shows all UC San Diego card holders that have utilized their university card product. Card products include Travel & Entertainment Cards and Procurement Cards(P-cards). Please note that if a cardholder has a university card product, but has never used it, then they will not show up on this report. The Cardholder must have used the card to show up on this report. Please be aware that all cardholders and their respective cards will be displayed on the report, regardless of whether the cardholder or card are currently active or inactive.   Credit Card Users: This view shows all card holders that have utilized their university card product as well as the last used date.   The reports will help answer business questions related University card holders and their last used date. Below are just some of the business questions that can be answered by this report Who are all the card holders within my financial unit? Which employees have utilized their Procurement Card within my financial unit? New |
Concur | View Details |
Debt Service Dashboard The Debt Service Dashboard provides campus customers with information on timing and amounts due for debt service (principal and interest) on both Internally Funded Loans and Externally Financed Bonds. The Debt Service Dashboard consists of the following elements – four tabs and one drill-through: Debt Service Summary by Sub-VC: This tab displays annual debt service amounts for all associated specific capital projects, grouped by Vice Chancellor and Sub Vice Chancellor areas. Debt Service Summary by Debt Grouping: This tab provides a more detailed view by adding Debt Grouping granularity to the Sub-VC view.  Debt Service Raw Data: This tab displays the entire debt service upload file, which allows the user to download the raw data to excel for custom analysis. Data Glossary Project Amortization Schedule offers a detailed amortization schedule for a specific capital project. It is only accessible through drill-through links within the Specific Project column on the Debt Service by Sub-VC and Debt Service by Debt Grouping tabs. This report answers the following questions: What is the amount of debt service for a capital project that falls under my Vice Chancellor this year? What is the percentage breakdown of debt service obligations by 'payer' (VC/Sub-VC) for a specific project? What is the payback schedule for specific projects in my areas? New |
Central Offices | View Details |
Default Project Payroll Provides detailed information about charges posted to departmental default projects, including person names and other payroll information.  Users with access to the DOPES may also access this report. Oracle + LL Pivot: Provides charges summarized by UCPath Labor Ledger project, account code, person name (rows), and expenditure dates (columns). Oracle pivot: Summarizes charges from Oracle only by account code (rows) and expenditure dates (columns). Used for data validation against Oracle + LL Pivot tab. Oracle + LL Summary: Provides charges summarized by UCPath Labor Ledger project, person name, expenditure dates (rows), and account codes (columns). Oracle + LL Detail: Provides detailed information needed to complete Direct Retros or Oracle cost transfers. Provides answers to the following questions: What are the names of people whose payroll has posted to the departmental default project in Oracle? What were the projects on funding entries in UCPath that resulted in payroll posting to the departmental default project? Do I need to do a Direct Retro or an Oracle cost transfer to move charges off of the departmental default project? New |
Payroll Accounting and Reconciliation | View Details |
Department Exceptions Panorama The Department Exceptions panorama shows financial discrepancies in the Oracle Financial System. The dashboard includes the following pages:  Transactions Incorrectly Posted to UCPath Specific Funds (CVR) Incorrect PPM Budget Resources Project and Task Transaction Controls Project Task Owning Org Mismatch Uncleared Concur AP Credit Memos Shows financial discrepancies in the Oracle Financial System.  New |
Exceptions and Reconcilation | View Details |
Department Operations Dashboard This dashboard provides year-to-date overall net financial surplus or loss by Managerial Fund categories, Mission, or Project Classification. Department Operations Dashboard Department fiscal managers to see overall balances Fiscal managers to view balances by project classifications Drill through to view GL transactions that makeup balances to note any irregularities On page prompts allow for fiscal managers to quickly toggle between different parameters to view overall balances New |
Financial Management | View Details |
DOPE Report New report version, updated for CCoA reordering.  If you do not already have access to this report, please submit an access request for the Payroll Accounting and Reconciliation report category. This report displays actual labor ledger payroll expenses applied for a given payroll cycle.Report includes: Combined Salary & Fringe: Lists all Salary and Fringe Labor Ledger data on a single tab.   Condensed Column Set: Shows only the essential columns required for Project Managers and Sponsors which keeps all columns on the screen together, no horizontal scrolling required. Employee Summary: Totals Salary and Fringe monetary amounts for the Condensed Column Set.  Totals are grouped first by employee and then by pay and earnings periods. Optional Report Pages:  ○ Salary Details: Lists only salary detail rows  ○ Fringe Details: Lists only fringe detail rows  ○ Stipend and Tuition Fees: Lists all related FinAH rows Required Input Pay Calendar Dates Accounting FY-Periods   Fields Employee Name Employee ID Employee Record Pay Period End Date Earnings Period Start Date Earnings Period End Date Pay Check Date Transaction Type Fiscal Year Accounting Period Number Department Code Department Position Number Position Job FTE Job Code Job Description Pay Group Code Pay Group Earnings Code Earnings Type Pay Basis Job Compensation Frequency Employee CBR Rate Group Employee UCPath CBR Rate Group Employee UCPath CBR Rate Code CCOA Entity Code CCOA Entity CCOA Fund Code CCOA Fund CCOA FinU Code CCOA FinU CCOA Account Code CCOA Account CCOA Funct Code CCOA Funct CCOA Program Code CCOA Program CCOA Project Code CCOA Project CCOA Location Code CCOA Location CCOA Activity Code CCOA Activity CCOA TASK Code CCOA TASK CCOA Funding Source Code CCOA Funding Source OTC Indicator Code Project Manager Name Full Task Manager Name Full Salary Cap Rate LL Annual Rate Job Compensation Rate Employee CBR Rate Salary Hours Salary Derived Effort Percent Salary Total Pay Component Percent Monetary Amount Pay Run Code Salary Earnings Run Code Journal ID Journal Line GL Journal Line Number Journal Template Code Cost Transfer Code Original Transaction Reference Number Transaction Type - Account Project - Task Salary Grouped Total Fringe Grouped Total Salary and Fringe Grouped Total New |
Payroll Accounting and Reconciliation | View Details |
EPBCS Access by Financial Unit This report provides a summary of EPBCS Access Group Assignments by user. The report can be filtered to narrow down user records displayed in the report. This report provides a summary of EPBCS Access Group Assignments by user. The report can be filtered to narrow down user records displayed in the report. This report answers the following questions: Does this user have Budget Editor Group access? If so, are they CBO, VC, or General Budget Preparers? Note: CBO Budget Editors have ‘write’ access to EPBCS all year long whereas the General Budget Preparer and VC Office groups are only able to edit budget entry forms during open development cycle, they can only view data in EPBCS outside of this timeline. Does this user have Resource Commitment Tracking Tool (RCTT) access? Note: The RCTT is open year-round to the existing user base. Does this user have Capital Planning access? Note: only a small subset of budget preparers work in units with Capital Planning or debt service needs, so this portion of EPBCS is limited to those areas who need it. What Financial Unit grouping(s) is this user assigned? Do they have EPBCS access at the A, B, or C levels of the Financial Unit hierarchy? New |
Budget & Planning | View Details |
Expanded Project Summary (EPS) Provides summary and detail information about a single project or task with data from both PPM and General Ledger. Metadata information about a project and its underlying tasks, including chartstring information and project roles. Total expenditures, balances, and commitments by expenditure category Revenue details for non-sponsored projects Expenditures by month PPM Cost Details Commitment Details Historical Payroll Details Payroll Projection Details General Ledger Transaction Details  View PPM expenditures, GL transactions, and UCPath payroll (DOPES) all in a single report  What are the transactions that have posted to a project or task in PPM and GL?  What are the open commitments on a project or task?  What people’s salaries were charged to a project or task over a given time period?  How much is anticipated to spend on payroll and related costs on a project or task? New Popular |
Financial Management | View Details |
Faculty and Researcher Dashboard (FRD) Provides a dashboard for faculty and supporting users who are financially responsible for sponsored and non-sponsored projects and tasks.   Access this dashboard to: View projects and tasks (including award dates, where applicable) in your portfolio Identify money available and money spent for projects and tasks Analyze data for financial decision-making about your sponsored and non-sponsored projects View project and task payroll details Provides a dashboard for faculty and supporting users who are financially responsible for sponsored and non-sponsored projects and tasks in the following sections: Sponsored Projects - For Project Managers, Principal Investigators, and Task Managers Non-Sponsored Projects - For Project Managers and Task Managers with both General Ledger (GL) and Project & Portfolio Management (PPM) data Payroll - A second tab displays rolling 12 months of payroll for the project/task portfolio New Popular |
Faculty and Researchers | View Details |
Financial Resource Management Dashboard This dashboard delivers a full suite of financial management reports intended to support campus business officers. They are designed to support internal financial management of the university finances, and as such use Managerial Reporting hierarchies. The Financial Resource Management Dashboard includes the following pages: Reports List Net Operating Results and Fund Balance Financial Deficit Report - Operating Funds Financial Deficit Report - Sponsored Projects Fund Summary GL Project Summary by Fin Unit Fund Balance Scorecard Available Fund Balance Trends Days Fund Balance Managerial Reporting Account Hierarchy Managerial Reporting Fund Hierarchy Delivers a full suite of financial management reports intended to support campus business officers. Designed to support internal financial management of the university finances, including use of Managerial Reporting hierarchies. New |
Financial Management | View Details |
FinOps Analytical Dashboard The FinOps Analytical Dashboard is a collection of reports and analyses related to invoices, credit memos, receivables, and exceptions. Receipt Application Auditing: Receipt Application Statistics, Authorized Users, Applied Receipt Register, Miscellaneous Receipts, Aging Report for Receipts Credit Memos: Credit Memos by Customer, Credit Memo Accounting Exception Report, Overapplied Invoices, Overapplied Invoice Details, Combined List of Related Transactions Invoice Created By Customer General Information: Customer Address Information, Customer Contact Information Bill and Revenue Plan Details Invoices Needing Approval Foreign Payments (Receipts): Incoming Wires PMS to Oracle Reconciliation Collections Capital Assets and Property Reconciliation Report: CAMS Reconciliation Reporting Contract Errors: Non-SP Contract Lines Without Project or Task, Non-SP Contracts Without Revenue Account or Fund Accounting Errors: Revenue in Fund 13037, Non-SP Contract PPM COA Billing Exceptions, Non-SP Contract AR COA Billing Exceptions, AR PIP Transactions Not Cleared, Contract Line Invoice Revenue Exceptions Process Errors: Non-SP Generate Invoice Process Errors, Non-SP Generate Revenue Process Errors, Invoice Transaction Mismatch, Invoices Posted to 96*, Event DFF Entry Errors, Billing Events With Unrecognized Revenue and Invoice Amounts CEI Report Receivables Aging Report Payment Application by Customer Property Assessment Report - UCSD Equipment Identify payments received from foreign countries and the activity the payment is for. Quickly identify who created an invoice. Identify accounting errors such as COA billing exceptions, transactions not cleared, and contract line revenue exceptions. Compare assets in Oracle procurement/Accounts Payable and CAMS. New |
Central Offices | View Details |
FinOps Operational Dashboard A collection of analyses and reports to support the operational tasks within the central FinOps team. Customer Satisfaction Performance Metrics View metrics related to customer satisfaction such as how quickly tickets are resolved, number of tickets each agent has resolved, and support ticket trends. View metrics related to payments such as how accurately we apply receipts, how many payments are received/applied/unapplied. How quickly are cost transfers processed and how many unprocessed costs are sitting every month? View how quickly we close the subledgers each month along with historical trends by application module. New |
Central Offices | View Details |
FinOps PPM Dashboard Displays list of projects and tasks. Allows users to filter by project type and project status. Allows users to lookup contract number and contract name using transaction number. List of Reports Award Lookup Cost Transfer Approval BPM Project Metadata Lookup Project Managers Project Costs KPI Projects Without FinUnits Project Cost Transfers BPM Transaction ID to Contract Lookup Report Transactions Outside Budget Period Invoice Creation Report Exceptions Reports SR Bug Queries Export a list of projects by project status or project type Export a list of all tasks Determine the contract number and contract name associated with a transaction number New |
Central Offices | View Details |
FinOps Strategic Dashboard A collection of analyses and reports to support the strategic tasks within the central FinOps team. Project Metrics Projected Cash Flow: Receipts, Next 7 Weeks Open Receivables: Open Receivables, Net Zero Open Receivables Overall Collection Health and CEI TBD. New |
Central Offices | View Details |
Fiscal Assistant Workload Dashboard The Fiscal Assistant Workload Dashboard provides a variety of metrics for leaders to assess comparative workloads of their fiscal staff. The Fiscal Assistant Workload Dashboard consists of only one page, which contains a variety of workload metrics for each of the fiscal assistants in a financial unit. Workload metrics can be viewed for a given year, and up to three years simultaneously.    This dashboard answers questions like: How has the workload for each Fiscal Assistant changed over time? What does the workload of each of the Fiscal Assistants look like and how do they compare to each other? New |
Leadership (Restricted) | View Details |
Fiscal Managers Commonly Used Reports This contains Commonly Used Reports for Fiscal Managers Financial Management Reports: Department Operations Dashboard GL Project Balances Financial Resource Management Dashboard Gift Fund Balances Project Management Dashboard Expanded Project Summary Project Information Lookup Panorama Reports for Performance of Key Controls: Transaction Details Distribution of Payroll Expenses Report (DOPES) GL-PPM Reconciliation Default Project Payroll Transactions on No Project Department Exceptions Panorama         New |
Commonly Used Reports | View Details |
Fixed Assets Dashboard The Fixed Assets Dashboard is a comprehensive tool that offers a range of reports with information from the Fixed Assets Module. This dashboard includes four reports: Fixed Assets Inventory Report Fixed Assets Purchasing Report Fixed Assets Depreciation Report Fixed Assets Retirements and Disposals Report Identify assets by department, custodian, or location Review purchase-related details, including invoices and purchase orders linked to assets Tracks monthly depreciation calculations and evaluates accumulated depreciation Determine asset useful life and remaining life Review and track the value and retirement dates for assets that have been disposed of New |
Financial Management | View Details |
Fund Managers Commonly Used Reports This contains Commonly Used Reports for Fund Managers Financial Management Reports: Project Management Dashboard Expanded Project Summary Project Information Lookup Panorama Contract Management Dashboard Kuali Research Reports: Current and Pending Research Administration Activity Dashboard Reports for Performance of Key Controls: Transaction Details Distribution of Payroll Expenses Report (DOPES) GL-PPM Reconciliation New |
Commonly Used Reports | View Details |
Fund Monitoring and Exceptions Dashboard Collection of reports and analyses that expose exceptions in GL setup and additional fund monitoring. The Fund Monitoring and Exceptions Dashboard dashboard includes the following pages:  Financial Unit PPM Organization Mismatches Funds Descriptions With Commas Is the GL Financial Unit aligned with the Project Organization? Are there any funds with commas that need to be updated in EDMCS? New |
Central Offices | View Details |
Funding Issues Report The Funding Issues Report is a group of reports that identify specific issues or potential issues related to funding. If not addressed timely, payroll transactions will be recorded to your department default project. Positions Without Funding Tab Position Number Vice Chancellor Code Vice Chancellor Department Code Department Employee Name Current Employee ID Employee Record HR Status Employee Status Job Code Job Code Description FTE Employee Class Code Employee Class Reports To Employee Reports To Work Email Address Reports To Position Number Reports To Position Position Class Code Position Class   Funding and Project End Dates Tab Vice Chancellor Code Department Code Department Employee Name Current Employee ID Employee Record Position Number Pay Group Pay Frequency Position Funding Fiscal Year Position Funding Earnings Type Code Job Expected End Date Job FTE End Dates Category Position Funding End Date Days Remaining Until Funding End Date Project End Date Days Remaining Until Project End Date Project Code Project TASK Code TASK Financial Unit Code Financial Unit Fund Code Position Funding Distribution Percent Job Code Job Code Description Reports To Employee Reports To Work Email Address Reports To Position Number Reports To Position   No Task or Funding Source Tab Employee Name Current Employee ID Employee Record Position Number Position Funding Fiscal Year Position Funding Earnings Type Code HR Status Employee Status Job Expected End Date Job FTE Project Code Project TASK Code TASK Financial Unit Code Financial Unit Fund Code Funding Source Code Position Funding Distribution Percent Job Code Job Code Description Reports To Employee Reports To Work Email Address Reports To Position Number Reports To Position Department Code Department Vice Chancellor Code Vice Chancellor Report Instructions What do you need to do? Review each report tab and make any necessary corrections per the tab instructions below: Tab 1: Positions without Funding Report Filter the report by your Department area(s) using the "Department" column (if your department doesn''t appear, you may ignore this report)   Add funding for these positions in UCPath (for help, see "Resources" below)    *Health Sciences - submit funding changes to SWAT/HHR/ARC with the new Project Number, Expenditure Organization, Expenditure Type, Task Number, Award Number & Funding Source (POETAF)    Process a Direct Retro (for help, see "Resources" below) or submit a DrPat request (VCAA/VCHS) for any transactions related to these positions that recorded to your FinUnit default chartstring in UCPath in prior periods   Tab 2: Funding & Project End Date Report Filter the report by your Department area(s) using the "Department" column (if your department doesn''t appear, you may ignore this report)    Filter the "End Dates Category" column by the "End Date Past" category (if your department doesn''t appear, go to step 4)    Confirm if the end date relates to Position Funding or the Project         a. For expired Position Funding requiring position termination, request that your department HR initiator terminate the position in UCPath(employee will continue to get paid until this is complete!)       *Health Sciences - submit a ticket to ARC/HHR (employee will continue to get paid until this is complete!)         b. For expired Position Funding where the end date needs extension, update the position funding in UCPath (for help, see "Resources" below)       *Health Sciences - submit a ticket to ARC/HHR with an updated end date         c. For expired Projects, update funding in UCPath (for help, see "Resources" below)       *Health Sciences - submit funding changes to SWAT/HHR/ARC with new Project Number, Expenditure Organization, Expenditure Type, Task Number, Award Number & Funding Source (POETAF)         d. For expired Projects pending an official modification from sponsor to extend award, submit extension to Sponsored Projects Finance (for assistance, click here); if not approved, update funding in UCPath (for help, see "Resources" below)         e. For expired Projects getting replaced with a new one (i.e. an NIH Federal Flow Thru), update funding in UCPath (for help, see "Resources" below)       *Health Sciences - submit funding changes to SWAT/HHR/ARC with new Project Number, Expenditure Organization, Expenditure Type, Task Number, Award Number & Funding Source (POETAF)      **TIP: for multi-year Federal Flow Through (FFT) awards, projects are created in advance, so suggest setting up future funding with new projects once they''re available (for more info, click here)   Filter the "End Dates Category" column by all other categories (focusing on near term expirations first) and ensure that funding and or project updates have been made beyond the expiration date to prevent future defaults    Process a Direct Retro (for help, see "Resources" below) or submit a DrPat request (VCAA/VCHS) for any expired entries that recorded to your FinUnit default chartstring in UCPath in prior periods    Process an Oracle PPM Cost Transfer (for help, see "Resources" below) for entries that are correctly recorded in UCPath, but went to your default project in Oracle PPM   Tab 3: No Task or Funding Source Filter the report by your Department area(s) using the "Department" column (if your department doesn''t appear, you may ignore this report)   Update funding where task and or funding source is missing (for help, see "Resources" below)    *Health Sciences - submit funding changes to SWAT/HHR/ARC (depending on priority and complexity) with new Project Number, Expenditure Organization, Expenditure Type, Task Number, Award Number & Funding Source (POETAF)   Process a Direct Retro (for help, see "Resources" below) or submit a DrPat request (VCAA/VCHS) for invalid entries that were recorded to your FinUnit default chartstring in UCPath in prior periods New |
Payroll Accounting and Reconciliation | View Details |
General Ledger Panorama (GLP) This panorama contains reports that pull from the General Ledger transaction tables. Designed to give you visibility into general ledger accounts, balances, transactions and activity. The General Ledger dashboard includes the following pages:  General Ledger Transaction Details  GL Details ISIS Reconciliation  Journal Approval workflow  GL Subledger Journal Details  Contains reports that pull from the General Ledger transaction tables.   Designed to give you visibility into general ledger accounts, balances, transactions and activity.  New |
Financial Management | View Details |
Gift Fund Panorama The Gift Fund Panorama compiles various reports and analyses into a single dashboard to help Fund Managers evaluate and make decisions regarding their gift funds. New |
Gift Funds | View Details |
GL Balances Report - Testing New enhancements for this report are currently being tested in QA. Select HANA-PROD for the connection when running it. Click on ''View Details'' to see more important information. To provide testing feedback, users should add a comment in Jira. If you don't have access to Jira, provide feedback via a ticket to Budget and Finance Support. Key enhancements made to this report are:   New Display Fields Prompt: This new prompt allows you to choose how you would like to summarize your data – by  FinU L2, FinU L3, FinU L4,Fin Unit, Fund L2, Fund L3, Fund Code and/or Project Code and Name. In addition, we are working on adding Function and Account Code as optional display fields for a future release. New Fields: We've added "Impacts to Cash" and "Cash Balance" fields. With the new Display Fields prompt, you can elect to include cash balance data in your summary. New |
User Acceptance Testing | View Details |
GL Fund Balances The GL Fund Balances report provides a summary of a fund’s ending balances, with information from the General Ledger plus PPM Commitments and UCPath Payroll Projections. The GL Fund Balances report includes the following: Summary by Financial Unit and Fund Ending Balances by Month Ending Balances by Year Drill thru to GL Project Balances report Review balances for each month up to and including the accounting period selected within the accounting year selected Review balances for the accounting month selected for each accounting year up to and including the year selected New |
Financial Management | View Details |
GL Project Balances The GL Project Balances report provides a summary of a project’s ending balances, with information from the General Ledger plus PPM Commitments and UCPath Payroll Projections. The GL Project Balances report includes the following: Summary by Financial Unit, Project, and Fund Ending Balances by Month Ending Balances by Year Review balances for each month up to and including the accounting period selected within the accounting year selected Review balances for the accounting month selected for each accounting year up to and including the year selected This report is not recommended for viewing Sponsored Project balances. New |
Financial Management | View Details |
GL-PPM Reconciliation Report Displays differences between amounts in General Ledger and amounts in PPM. A drillthrough report identifies the specific transactions that are causing the differences. Reconciliation of GL to PPM on sponsored projects is a required key control. Expenditures Condensed: Displays expenditure variances by project and account. Expenditures by Accounting Period: Displays expenditure variances by project, account, and accounting period. Resources: Used to determine amounts that need to be entered in PPM budgets. Compares costs in PPM to actuals in the general ledger by project, accounting period, and account code/expenditure type.   Includes only revenue, expense, and noncurrent asset (i.e. capital equipment) account codes.  Search by one or more financial units, one or more projects, and/or one or more accounting periods.   Provides greater detail on the transactions included in the GL and PPM values via a drill through report.  New |
Exceptions and Reconcilation | View Details |
Graduate Student Funding Report The Graduate Student Funding report allows users to verify funding sources for payroll, tuition, fees, and stipends across multiple terms/years by graduate student, department, fin unit, and project. The Graduate Student Funding combines data from three different activity hubs: Student Activity Hub (ISIS data), Financial Activity Hub (PPM subledger data), and Employee Activity Hub (labor ledger data). It has two tabs: Transactions Tab: Use this report to view transaction-level data associated with each student. Summary Tab: Use this report to view a summary of total expenses by month associated with each student. Use the Graduate Primary Major Department prompt to view all of your departments students and see how they were funded for a selected time period. Use the Fin Unit prompt to view all students paid by your Fin Unit for a selected time period. Use the Student PID and Name to view a particular student’s funding for a selected period of time. New |
Exceptions and Reconcilation | View Details |
HDH Panorama The HDH Panorama lists the financial reports (BI and Cognos) used by UCSD Housing, Dining, & Hospitality (HDH). The panorama is designed to support the HDH Finance and Budget Management team and departmental business users. The HDH Departmental dashboard includes the following pages:  List of Reports  AP Vendor Report  Purchasing: PO Search Invoice Detail  Purchasing: PO Search Payment Detail  UCSD Page Template  Lists the financial reports (BI and Cognos) used by UCSD Housing, Dining, & Hospitality (HDH).  Supports the HDH Finance and Budget Management team and departmental business users.  New |
Department-Specific | View Details |
Intercampus Account Reconciliation and Financial Controls A collection of analyses and reports to support the operational tasks within payables, receivables, and PPM. The Accounts Receivable dashboard includes the following pages:  List of Reports Payables Receivables PPM General Ledger High Dollar Exceptions Universities Provide departments with an overview of payables, receivables, PPM, General Ledger, and high dollar exceptions for intercampus account reconciliations. New |
Central Offices | View Details |
Internal Controls and Accounting Dashboard The Internal Controls and Accounting Dashboard is a set of analyses and reports intended for central office reporting and metrics. Designed to assist the ICA central office personnel with day to day management of the accounts, fiscal year close, reconciliation with UCOP and fiscal reporting requirements.   List of reports in this dashboard: General Ledger Transaction Details Unposted Journals UCOP Reconciliation Reports CFSAST Reporting Financial Pivot Tools: Balance Report, Period Activity Report, Comparative Balance Report Fiscal Close Journals Schedule C Reports GL Balance Sheet GL Income Statement Budget vs Actual Report Trial Balance Campus Trial Balance by FinUnit Recharge Transactions Reconciliation Cash Clearing Account Exception Report GL Period Net Activity Balance by Fiscal Year Non-SP Projects with DFF Exceptions Visit the Internal Controls & Accounting Panorama for Data Selection and View Options Visit the Internal Controls & Accounting Panorama for Report Views and Understanding the Data New |
Central Offices | View Details |
Kuali Invoice Report A list of subaward invoices with the Kuali Research Subaward number and associated OFC AP invoice numbers. It can be used to reconcile subcontract invoices between KR and OFC. New |
Central Offices | View Details |
Letter of Credit (LOC) Dashboard The Letter of Credit Dashboard is a collection of reports related to AR aging, letter of credit reconciliations, and letter of credit balance checks List of Reports LOC Accounts Final FER True-Up AR Aging - Invoice With Outstanding Balance AR Aging - All Records LOC Reconciliation - Cumulative Inception to Date LOC Reconciliation - Cumulative LOC Reconciliation - Detail LOC Reconciliation - Total Applied Amount LOC Balance Checks - Funding LOC Balance Checks - Expenses Support the Compliance and Support Team.  New |
Central Offices | View Details |
NGN Recharge Summary Report The NGN Recharge Summary Report contains the detailed recharges posted to the department chart strings: Project, Task, & Funding Source in OFC. The primary audience for this report are financial officers looking to reconcile the NGN recharges posted to their department ledgers. KBA for more details: KB0033112 Information coming soon. Contains the detailed recharges posted to the department chart strings: Project, Task, & Funding Source in OFC.   The primary audience for this report are financial officers looking to reconcile the NGN recharges posted to their department ledgers.  New |
Campus Recharges | View Details |
OTBI Performance Panorama A dashboard dedicated to execution and error metrics for OTBI reporting within the Oracle BI tools. Tracks report executions, distinct users, most used subject areas, and more.   List of reports in this dashboard:    1. Usage Metrics    2. Error Metrics    3. Auditing Report Metrics Blink Assist page coming soon. Blink Assist page coming soon. New |
Central Offices | View Details |
Outstanding Card Charges Provides detailed information about credit card charges from a procurement card, travel card, and centrally billed airfare/hotel cards that have not yet reached central office review in Concur or posted to Oracle.  This report includes the following pages: Transactions over 365 Days – Lists all credit card charges that are over 365 past the date the charge was posted by the bank (excluding those transactions pending Central Office review). Unassigned Card Charges – Lists all credit card charges that have not yet been assigned to an expense report in Concur. Charges by Cardholder – Lists all outstanding credit card charges regardless of credit card posting date.  View credit card charges that require action from the cardholder/traveler or a department approver.  New |
Concur | View Details |
Payroll Transaction Lookup This report identifies all Oracle PPM transactions for a given person and Earnings Period End Date. It identifies all UCPath source transactions, such as salary, benefits, accruals, and general liability, as well as non-UCPath source transactions, such as NGN, HSIT, and tuition. Use the report to identify all associated transactions when PPM cost transfers of payroll are necessary, or to understand the history of payroll transfers. The report can be used for two primary purposes: Identify all of the transactions associated with a particular payroll to complete a PPM cost transfer of payroll. Note that payroll transfers should be completed in UCPath via Direct Retro or Salary Cost Transfer whenever possible. However, in some situations, moving payroll off of a default project cannot be done in UCPath and must be done via PPM cost transfer. Understand all of the actions that have been taken related to a particular payroll posting, including Direct Retros and PPM cost transfers. See below for an example story. What Oracle PPM transactions (both UCPath and non-UCPath sourced) can be identified with a given individual? What are all the transactions associated with a particular payroll? How can I identify the actions that have been taken to a particular payroll posting? New |
Payroll Accounting and Reconciliation | View Details |
EPBCS Budget Reports This dashboard delivers an initial suite of planning and budgeting reports intended to support campus business officers. The reports are designed to support internal analysis against the annual budget. This dashboard delivers an initial suite of planning and budgeting reports intended to support campus business officers. The reports are designed to support internal analysis against the annual budget.  This EPBCS Budget Reports dashboard includes the following pages: Reports List Total Budget Summary (Final Version) Core Recurring Final Budget by Year All VC Core Recurring Expense Budget Total Core Expense Budgets by Fin Unit New |
Budget & Planning | View Details |
PPM Budget Version Comparison The PPM Budget Version Comparison Report provides an overview of all the budget versions for each task on a project. This dashboard includes one single page titled “PPM Budget Version Comparison” and includes the following fields in the report: Award Number Project Number Task Number Budget Period Start Date Budget Period End Date Resources Version Number Version Date Budget Version Type (Original Baseline, Baseline, Current Baseline, Current Working) Burdened Cost PPM budgets can have many versions that change over time. This report gives users a way to track how the budget changes between different versions. New |
Exceptions and Reconcilation | View Details |
Preuss School Financial Reports The Preuss School Panorama lists the financial reports used by the Preuss School. The panorama is designed to support the school’s finance team with all external reporting requirements. The Preuss School Financial Reports dashboard includes the following pages:  Balance Sheet  Income Statement  GL Transaction Detail  Fund Summary  Gift Fund Balance  COA Information Report  AP Transaction Details  Lists the financial reports used by the Preuss School.  Support the school’s finance team with all external reporting requirements.  New |
Department-Specific | View Details |
Procure to Pay Panorama The Procure-to-Pay Panorama provides insights to all campus reporting needs related to Requisitions, Purchase Orders, and Invoices. This panorama offers high-level dashboard views and detailed inquiry reports for campus use. The Procure to Pay dashboard includes the following pages:  Welcome!  Procure to Pay Action Items  Procure to Pay Transaction Inquiry  Requisition Summary  Requisition Inquiry  Purchase Orders Summary  PO Inquiry  PO Balances  Invoice Summary  Invoice Inquiry  Supplier Inquiry  PO Outstanding Commitments  Provides insights to all campus reporting needs related to Requisitions, Purchase Orders, and Invoices.  Offers high-level dashboard views and detailed inquiry reports for campus use.  New |
Financial Management | View Details |
Project Costed and Accounted Panorama Project Costed and Accounted Panorama includes Cost Transfers Costed and Accounted and Costed and Accounted by Adjustment Type reports for the original costed and accounted entry as well as the Reversal transaction (the “from” of the cost transfer). Use this data to identify and correct transactions using “placeholder” accounting in the PPM space Cost Transfers Costed and Accounted Costed and Accounted by Adjustment Type Change to billable/non billable recalculate raw/burden costs (could be for new owning org, new burden schedule, etc.) transfer split split & Transfer New |
Central Offices | View Details |
Project Cost Transfer Panorama This panorama is a collection of reports designed to provide details about Project Cost transfers. Search transfers by the Original Expenditure Item transaction #, transfer dates, project, award, owning organization and more. For larger reports, use the built in scheduling feature. The Project Cost Transfer dashboard includes the following pages:  Reports List  Cost Transfers by Date and Transaction #  Transfers Summary  Transfer by Award/Project  High Risk Cost Transfers  Transfer Approval Details  Provide details about Project Cost transfers. Search transfers by the Original Expenditure Item transaction #, transfer dates, project, award, owning organization and more.   For larger reports, use the built in scheduling feature.  New |
Financial Management | View Details |
Project Costs Detail Report The Project Costs Detail Report can be used to check cost details for all projects by Award number, Financial Unit, Accounting Period(s) and more. These transactions will match the costs found in the PPM Manage project costs screen of the Oracle User Interface(UI). The Project Costs Detail Report dashboard is a single-page report that includes the following details:  Project Costs Detail Report Transaction Import Details Used to check cost details for all projects by Award number, Financial Unit, Accounting Period(s) and more.   Transactions match the costs found in the PPM Manage project costs screen of the Oracle User Interface(UI).  New |
Central Offices | View Details |
Project Information Lookup Panorama This dashboard brings back all the projects for a Business unit, Project Organization or Project Manager and where available it provides full COA and POETAF Chart string values for these projects.   The Project Information Lookup dashboard includes the following pages:  Project COA Lookup  Award Project Task Personnel Expenditure Type List  Non-Sponsored Project Task DFFs  Award Personnel  Brings back all the projects for a Business unit, Project Organization or Project Manager and where available it provides full COA and POETAF Chart string values for these projects.  New |
Information Lookups | View Details |
Project Management Dashboard (PMD) The Project Management Dashboard provides one place to do a complete analysis of a portfolio of projects, including GL and PPM balances, variance analysis, commitments, payroll reconciliation, and expenditures over time The Project Management Dashboard includes the following reports: Summary Commitment Details High-Level Variances  DOPES Payroll by Earnings Month Expenditures by Month Analyze a PI’s portfolio Close out expired projects Review a department’s operating funds Review all faculty startup and retention funds New Popular |
Financial Management | View Details |
Project Overview Report The Project Overview Report provides a variety of non-financial data for projects and tasks. The Project Overview Report includes the following pages: Project Overview Project Classifications What are all the projects and tasks associated with a given organization or project manager? How are all my department’s projects classified?  What project-task was an IFIS index number mapped to in Oracle? When did a task end? What are all of my department’s newly created projects? Does a project belong to Campus or Medical Center? New |
Information Lookups | View Details |
Recharge Billing Summary This report helps recharge administrators understand which departments are driving their recharge income and compare upcoming recharge postings with historical data to ensure consistency. Results display in a table with Accounting Period Range, Document, Document Entry, Expenditure Type, Financial Unit, Project-Task, Task End Date. Click on amounts to view transaction details. When searching by Document or Document Entry, the total recharge income (775000) and expense (770000) transactions should net to zero.  Non-zero amounts should be investigated. Projects ending in the next 90 days are highlighted in red. How much is my recharge facility billing departments each month? Who are we billing and how much are we charging them? Which departments are driving our recharge income? Are the recharges I’m about to post in line with what we’ve posted in past months?  New |
Campus Recharges | View Details |
Recharge Managers Commonly Used Reports Contains Commonly Used Reports for managers of recharge facilities. Financial Management Reports included: Contract Management Dashboard Department Operations Dashboard GL Project Balances Financial Resource Management Dashboard Project Management Dashboard Expanded Project Summary Project Information Lookup Panorama Reports for Performance of Key Controls: Transaction Details Unprocessed Transactions with Errors New |
Commonly Used Reports | View Details |
Recharge Operations Dashboard The Recharge Operations Dashboard provides insights into recharge operations, offering a clear view of performance metrics. It tracks how income and expenses have evolved over time, and effortlessly monitors whether balance remains within the allowable range. The dashboard includes the following pages: Summary PPM Revenue and Expense GL Revenue and Expense What is the balance for my recharge facility? How are my recharge operations performing? How have my income and expenses changed over time? Is my carryforward balance within the allowable range? New |
Campus Recharges | View Details |
Resource Profiles This dashboard collects data from the Activity Hubs into a developed set of standardized Resource Profiles. Resource Profiles are intended to be a tool for managers and other staff to assist in planning, to conduct analyses and to chart changes over time. It compares metrics across Schools and/or Departments/Financial Units. The Resource Profiles dashboard includes: Summary Page: Displays all metrics within Resource Profiles, aggregating the selected Units together, for the previous 5 years. Comparison Report: Includes two different pages Financial Metrics Sponsored Research Metrics Reviewing historical trends over the past 5 years to make new program decisions. Analyzing previous year Carryforward Balances to determine if extra funding is needed. Using Indirect Cost Recovery amounts to project future year budgets. Understanding Award Activity within a Unit to evaluate if more resources are required. Comparing how different Units are utilizing their resources. New |
Leadership (Restricted) | View Details |
SPF Accountant Panorama The SPF Accountant Panorama is a collection of analyses and reports designed to assist management and oversight of sponsored projects and awards. The SPF Accountant dashboard includes the following pages:  Core Report  Award Summary  Expenditures  IDC Reconciliation  Billing Summary  AR Aging  Cost Sharing  Award Lookup Reports SPARCM Reports Budget Versions Needing Approval Subaward Reconciliation 538000 on Non-Sponsored Funds Budget Approval BPM SP Funds Require Project Number in GL (CVR) Helpful Links Assist management and oversight of sponsored projects and awards. New |
Central Offices | View Details |
SPF Director Dashboard The SPF Director Dashboard is a collection of KPI reports and analyses related to awards, projects, and personnel metrics. The SPF Director Dashboard includes the following pages: Award Financials Award Summary Project Overview Project Cost Analysis Project Billing and Revenue Analysis SPF Cycle Time Analysis Award Personnel Metrics Determine how well my team is doing by using metrics related to number of current and closed awards. Quickly gain a high level overview displaying the number of awards by accountant, award status by type, and current status. How well is project revenue doing comparing actuals to budget and forecast? What are the trends in AR, cost transfers, new awards, and amendments? What are my actual project costs by organization and financial resource? New |
Central Offices | View Details |
SPF Manager Dashboard The SPF Manager Dashboard is a collection of reports and analyses related to grant contract set-up  THe SPF Manager Dashboard includes following pages: Contract Line Numbers With Alpha Characters  Contract Lines Without Associated Project Number  Sponsored Projects Without Awards  Sponsored Projects With Multiple Awards  Invalid Setup - Non-Campus BUs  Generate Invoice Process Errors  Award Project Dates  Costs With Potential Incorrect Billable Status    Is my project properly aligned to the appropriate grant contract?    Do I have any violations in my contract line name?     Are my dates aligned between contract, award, budget and project?      Are my projects properly set-up to capture billable/non billable expenses?  New |
Central Offices | View Details |
Sponsored Compliance Dashboard The Sponsored Compliance Dashboard is a collection of reports related to expenses and revenue by Sponsor. This dashboard also provides users with the ability to search for key personnel on sponsored awards List of Reports Expenses by Sponsor - Cumulative Expenses by Sponsor - Expenses with Details Expenses by Sponsor - Inception to Date Expenses with Details Expenses by Sponsor - Expenses Details by Fund Revenue by Sponsor Revenue by Sponsor - Revenue Summary Revenue by Sponsor - Revenue and Expenses Key Personnel Support the Compliance and Support Team.  New |
Central Offices | View Details |
Fund Manager Workload Dashboard The Fund Manager Workload Dashboard provides a variety of metrics for leaders to assess comparative workloads of their staff. The Fund Manager Workload Dashboard consists of only one page, which contains a variety of workload metrics for each of the fund managers in a financial unit. Workload metrics can be viewed for a given year, and up to three years simultaneously.    This dashboard answers questions like: How has the workload for each Fund Manager changed over time? What does the workload of each of the Fund Project Managers look like and how do they compare to each other? Are payroll titles appropriate for each member given their current workload and job performance? New |
Leadership (Restricted) | View Details |
STAR Dashboard STAR (Stewardship, Transparency, Accountability, Reporting) is an online dashboard powered by Cognos to provide Advancement and UC San Diego staff with access to financial information related to University private support gift funds (both Foundation and UC Regents). New |
Gift Funds | View Details |
Student Financial Solutions Dashboard A collection of reports and analyses to assist the Student Financial Solutions office. This dashboard includes the following pages:  General Ledger Transaction Details GL Details ISIS Reconciliation AP Invoices for ISIS Reconciliation SFS Payment Status SFS Refund Details Daily Activity Incoming Payments (Receipts) Applied Receipt Register Unapplied Receipt Register SPARCM Invoice to OFC Transaction Link Unprocessed Transactions With Errors What is the status of my student refund? Is my receipt applied correctly? What incoming payments are in the system? New |
Central Offices | View Details |
Telecom Recharge Details Report The Telecom Recharge Summary Report contains the detailed recharges posted to the department chart strings: Project, Task, & Funding Source in OFC. The primary audience for this report are financial officers looking to reconcile the Telecom recharges posted to their department ledgers. Information coming soon. Contains the detailed recharges posted to the department chart strings: Project, Task, & Funding Source in OFC.   The primary audience for this report are financial officers looking to reconcile the Telecom recharges posted to their department ledgers.  New |
Campus Recharges | View Details |
Transaction Details Report (TDR) The Transaction Details report provides detailed information about transactions posted to the Oracle General Ledger and PPM subledger.  The report also allows users to isolate pre-defined high-risk transactions for ledger review. Available Prompts: Original Accounting Period Most Recent Accounting Period Expenditure Item Date Expenditure Creation Date High Risk Ledger Review PI/Project Manager/Task Manager MSO/DBO/CAO Fund Manager Fiscal Manager Financial Unit Project Type Project Number Project-Task Transaction Number Fund Type and Number Invoice Number Original Transaction Reference Expenditure Batch Supplier Transaction/Journal Source Account Type and Number Net Zero Item Award Owning Organization Award Number Funding Source Type Funding Source Purchase Order Transaction Document Document Entry Expenditure Category and Type Select high-risk transactions for ledger review: High dollar invoices Recharges Equipment under dollar threshold Transactions posted after project end date Fabrication cost not on fabrication task Questionable expenditure type on sponsored project Misposted cost sharing New Popular |
Financial Management | View Details |
Trend Analytics Dashboard The Trend Analytics Dashboard provides insight into how Financial Units, Project Managers, and Projects have performed over time, facilitating data-driven decision making. The Trend Analytics Dashboard includes the following: Five overviews: Account, Financial Unit, Fund, Project, and Project Manager View trends by year, quarter, or month Each overview includes a graph displaying ending balances and a table displaying resources, expenses, and capital assets This report answers questions like:  How have my balances changed over time and what has contributed to increases or decreases? How has my spending on graduate support changed over time? How does IDC recovery compare over time for all of my PIs/Project Managers? New |
Financial Management | View Details |
UCPath Fund Exception Report Identifies UCPath Labor Ledger transactions and Funding Entries where the fund used is different from the fund that should have been used based on the award and project attributes. UCPath fund numbers designate critical behaviors in payroll processing such as applying salary cap rules and allocation of general liability, which is not allowed on federal awards.  This report has three pages:  Labor Ledger Unallowable Cap Gap Charged Position Funding Which awards have had unallowable over the cap salary charged? Which funding entries have the incorrect fund code and need to be updated to apply salary cap and general liability rules? New |
Payroll Accounting and Reconciliation | View Details |
UCPath-Oracle Salary Reconciliation The UCPath-Oracle Salary Reconciliation report enables users to identify discrepancies between transactions in the UCPath Labor Ledger (DOPE) and Oracle PPM/GL. Oracle amounts for projects come from PPM, while amounts for chartstrings without projects come from the GL. The drillthrough includes data from UCPath, Oracle PPM, and Oracle GL, with original transaction reference numbers in all three segments. A second drillthrough report enables the user to identify transactions in the labor ledger and Oracle ledgers based on the original transaction reference number. Required Input None for this report Fields Project Name Project Task Financial Unit Account Accounting Period UCPath Amount Oracle Amount Variance (UCPath-Oracle) New |
Payroll Accounting and Reconciliation | View Details |
Unprocessed Transactions With Errors Report This report shows all unprocessed costs in PPM as well as cost transfers (Adjustments) that fell into exception status. New |
Exceptions and Reconcilation | View Details |
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Academic Affairs Leadership Dashboard
This dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of key metrics across critical areas, including Fiscal and Student data. It is designed to empower leaders, such as Assistant Deans, with the insight...
Accounts Receivable Panorama
Accounts Receivable Panorama is a collection of reports that provide departments with an overview of their receivables and related credit memos, customer account attributes, incoming and unclaimed cash recei...
Admin Assistant Commonly Used Reports
This contains Commonly Used Reports for Admin.
Assessment Reconciliation Report
The Assessment Reconciliation Report helps users reconcile assessments like Differential Income and ASSA that are charged on certain revenues. The report calculates the assessments that should be charged and...
Athletics Expense Reports
The report summarizes Intercollegiate Athletics expenses on a sport-by-sport basis into NCAA-required reporting categories, and data will be reported to the NCAA and Department of Education.
Athletics Revenue Reports
The report summarizes Intercollegiate Athletics revenue on a sport-by-sport basis into NCAA-required reporting categories, and data will be reported to the NCAA and Department of Education.
Audit Report Access List by Report Name
Displays report runs and distinct user counts for BI Publisher reports.
Award Trial Balance Report
The Award Trial Balance Report provides summary-level information about Expenses, Invoices and Payments.
Bookstore Recharge Report
This report leverages UC San Diego Bookstore transaction data from Ratex (for transactions between 11/20/17 and 01/31/22) and NetSuite (for transactions from 02/01/2022 to the present). It is comprised of fo...
Budget vs Actual
This report provides the user with budget, actual, carryforward balance, and budget.
Budget vs Actual Monthly Variance Detail
This report provides the user with budget and actual expense data in a table format displayed across three time spans: Period, Year-to-Date (YTD), and Annual.
Campus User Roles
The Campus User Roles Report provides the OFC roles and associated Business Units, Ledgers and other security contexts for those roles. Searchable by user email, username, assignment number, department and r...
Capital Equipment Management Report
Capital Equipment Management Report lists all requisitions on items acquired where cost exceeds $5,000. The cost includes entire requisition and auxiliary cost associated such as shipping, delivery, installa...
Capital Project Panorama
This is a custom look at capital projects developed to support the Real Estate reporting.
Cellular Report
The Cellular Recharge Summary Report contains the detailed recharges posted to the department chart strings: Project, Task, & Funding Source in OFC. The primary audience for this report are financial off...
Central Cashiers Dashboard
A collection of analyses and reports to support the operational tasks of the Central Cashier’s team.
Central Office Exceptions Panorama
The Central Office Exceptions panorama shows financial discrepancies in the Oracle Financial System.
Chart of Accounts Panorama
Hierarchies help define structure, and provide for standard and consistent financial reporting to our various stakeholders about UC San Diego’s financial performance and financial position over a s...
Commonly Used Reports for Monthly Reconciliation
This contains Commonly Used Reports for Monthly Reconciliation
Compensation Planning
This dashboard delivers an initial suite of compensation planning reports intended to support campus business officers. They are designed to support internal position management as well as the monthly and ye...
Concur Expense Reports
The report displays Concur Expense Report details, enabling the user to review multiple Concur expense reports at once using various prompts. This report shows all expenses assigned to a Concur Expense Repor...
Concur Requests Report
The report displays Concur Request details, enabling the user to review multiple Concur requests at once using various prompts. The report will help answer business questions related to the status of request...
Consolidated Exceptions Report
This dashboard combines six different reports in an effort to consolidate reporting and reduce the number of reports users have to run for reconciliation each month.
Contract Management Dashboard
Displays summary and detailed information for award and general contract revenue, invoicing, payments, and receipts. "The UCSD PPM Project Budget and Contract Manager JR role is required to run th...
Contract Overview Report
The Contract Overview Report provides a variety of non-financial data for non-sponsored contracts.
Cost of Operations Dashboard
The Cost of Operations Dashboard helps self-supporting units analyze the drivers of their costs and changes to those costs over time. It can be used to support development of recharge rate proposals or other...
Cost Share Reconciliation Dashboard
This dashboard helps departments identify issues related to cost share that should be resolved.
Cost Share Compliance Report
Displays Awards with Cost Sharing Commitments, PPM Project Costs against those commitments, and remaining balances.
Credit Card Transactions
The Concur Credit Card Transactions report provides information on all Concur-related card products, including Travel & Entertainment Cards, Procurement Cards (P-cards), and UCSD centrally billed CTS Air...
Credit Cardholders
Report shows all UC San Diego card holders that have utilized their university card product. Card products include Travel & Entertainment Cards and Procurement Cards(P-cards). Please note that if a c...
Debt Service Dashboard
The Debt Service Dashboard provides campus customers with information on timing and amounts due for debt service (principal and interest) on both Internally Funded Loans and Externally Financed Bonds.
Default Project Payroll
Provides detailed information about charges posted to departmental default projects, including person names and other payroll information. Users with access to the DOPES may also access this report.
Department Exceptions Panorama
The Department Exceptions panorama shows financial discrepancies in the Oracle Financial System.
Department Operations Dashboard
This dashboard provides year-to-date overall net financial surplus or loss by Managerial Fund categories, Mission, or Project Classification.
DOPE Report
New report version, updated for CCoA reordering. If you do not already have access to this report, please submit an access request for the Payroll Accounting and Reconcil...
EPBCS Access by Financial Unit
This report provides a summary of EPBCS Access Group Assignments by user. The report can be filtered to narrow down user records displayed in the report.
Expanded Project Summary (EPS)
Provides summary and detail information about a single project or task with data from both PPM and General Ledger.
Faculty and Researcher Dashboard (FRD)
Provides a dashboard for faculty and supporting users who are financially responsible for sponsored and non-sponsored projects and tasks.
Financial Resource Management Dashboard
This dashboard delivers a full suite of financial management reports intended to support campus business officers. They are designed to support internal financial management of the university finances, and a...
FinOps Analytical Dashboard
The FinOps Analytical Dashboard is a collection of reports and analyses related to invoices, credit memos, receivables, and exceptions.
FinOps Operational Dashboard
A collection of analyses and reports to support the operational tasks within the central FinOps team.
FinOps PPM Dashboard
Displays list of projects and tasks. Allows users to filter by project type and project status. Allows users to lookup contract number and contract name using transaction number.
FinOps Strategic Dashboard
A collection of analyses and reports to support the strategic tasks within the central FinOps team.
Fiscal Assistant Workload Dashboard
The Fiscal Assistant Workload Dashboard provides a variety of metrics for leaders to assess comparative workloads of their fiscal staff.
Fiscal Managers Commonly Used Reports
This contains Commonly Used Reports for Fiscal Managers
Fixed Assets Dashboard
The Fixed Assets Dashboard is a comprehensive tool that offers a range of reports with information from the Fixed Assets Module.
Fund Managers Commonly Used Reports
This contains Commonly Used Reports for Fund Managers
Fund Monitoring and Exceptions Dashboard
Collection of reports and analyses that expose exceptions in GL setup and additional fund monitoring.
Funding Issues Report
The Funding Issues Report is a group of reports that identify specific issues or potential issues related to funding. If not addressed timely, payroll transactions will be recorded to your department default...
General Ledger Panorama (GLP)
This panorama contains reports that pull from the General Ledger transaction tables. Designed to give you visibility into general ledger accounts, balances, transactions and activity.
Gift Fund Panorama
The Gift Fund Panorama compiles various reports and analyses into a single dashboard to help Fund Managers evaluate and make decisions regarding their gift funds.
GL Balances Report - Testing
New enhancements for this report are currently being tested in QA. Select HANA-PROD for the connection when running it. Click on ''View Details'' to see more important information.
GL Fund Balances
The GL Fund Balances report provides a summary of a fund’s ending balances, with information from the General Ledger plus PPM Commitments and UCPath Payroll Projections.
GL Project Balances
The GL Project Balances report provides a summary of a project’s ending balances, with information from the General Ledger plus PPM Commitments and UCPath Payroll Projections.
GL-PPM Reconciliation Report
Displays differences between amounts in General Ledger and amounts in PPM. A drillthrough report identifies the specific transactions that are causing the differences. Reconciliation of GL to PPM on sponsore...
Graduate Student Funding Report
The Graduate Student Funding report allows users to verify funding sources for payroll, tuition, fees, and stipends across multiple terms/years by graduate student, department, fin unit, and project.
HDH Panorama
The HDH Panorama lists the financial reports (BI and Cognos) used by UCSD Housing, Dining, & Hospitality (HDH). The panorama is designed to support the HDH Finance and Budget Management team and departme...
Intercampus Account Reconciliation and Financial Controls
A collection of analyses and reports to support the operational tasks within payables, receivables, and PPM.
Internal Controls and Accounting Dashboard
The Internal Controls and Accounting Dashboard is a set of analyses and reports intended for central office reporting and metrics. Designed to assist the ICA central office personnel with day to day manageme...
Kuali Invoice Report
A list of subaward invoices with the Kuali Research Subaward number and associated OFC AP invoice numbers.
Letter of Credit (LOC) Dashboard
The Letter of Credit Dashboard is a collection of reports related to AR aging, letter of credit reconciliations, and letter of credit balance checks
NGN Recharge Summary Report
The NGN Recharge Summary Report contains the detailed recharges posted to the department chart strings: Project, Task, & Funding Source in OFC. The primary audience for this report are financial officers...
OTBI Performance Panorama
A dashboard dedicated to execution and error metrics for OTBI reporting within the Oracle BI tools. Tracks report executions, distinct users, most used subject areas, and more. List of rep...
Outstanding Card Charges
Provides detailed information about credit card charges from a procurement card, travel card, and centrally billed airfare/hotel cards that have not yet reached central office review in Concur or posted to O...
Payroll Transaction Lookup
This report identifies all Oracle PPM transactions for a given person and Earnings Period End Date. It identifies all UCPath source transactions, such as salary, benefits, accruals, and general liability, as...
EPBCS Budget Reports
This dashboard delivers an initial suite of planning and budgeting reports intended to support campus business officers. The reports are designed to support internal analysis against the annual budget.
PPM Budget Version Comparison
The PPM Budget Version Comparison Report provides an overview of all the budget versions for each task on a project.
Preuss School Financial Reports
The Preuss School Panorama lists the financial reports used by the Preuss School. The panorama is designed to support the school’s finance team with all external reporting requirements.
Procure to Pay Panorama
The Procure-to-Pay Panorama provides insights to all campus reporting needs related to Requisitions, Purchase Orders, and Invoices. This panorama offers high-level dashboard views and detailed inquiry report...
Project Costed and Accounted Panorama
Project Costed and Accounted Panorama includes Cost Transfers Costed and Accounted and Costed and Accounted by Adjustment Type reports for the original costed and accounted entry as well as the Reversal tran...
Project Cost Transfer Panorama
This panorama is a collection of reports designed to provide details about Project Cost transfers. Search transfers by the Original Expenditure Item transaction #, transfer dates, project, award, owning orga...
Project Costs Detail Report
The Project Costs Detail Report can be used to check cost details for all projects by Award number, Financial Unit, Accounting Period(s) and more. These transactions will match the costs found in the PPM Man...
Project Information Lookup Panorama
This dashboard brings back all the projects for a Business unit, Project Organization or Project Manager and where available it provides full COA and POETAF Chart string values for these projects.
Project Management Dashboard (PMD)
The Project Management Dashboard provides one place to do a complete analysis of a portfolio of projects, including GL and PPM balances, variance analysis, commitments, payroll reconciliation, and expenditur...
Project Overview Report
The Project Overview Report provides a variety of non-financial data for projects and tasks.
Recharge Billing Summary
This report helps recharge administrators understand which departments are driving their recharge income and compare upcoming recharge postings with historical data to ensure consistency.
Recharge Managers Commonly Used Reports
Contains Commonly Used Reports for managers of recharge facilities.
Recharge Operations Dashboard
The Recharge Operations Dashboard provides insights into recharge operations, offering a clear view of performance metrics. It tracks how income and expenses have evolved over time, and effortlessly monitors...
Resource Profiles
This dashboard collects data from the Activity Hubs into a developed set of standardized Resource Profiles. Resource Profiles are intended to be a tool for managers and other staff to assist in planning, to ...
SPF Accountant Panorama
The SPF Accountant Panorama is a collection of analyses and reports designed to assist management and oversight of sponsored projects and awards.
SPF Director Dashboard
The SPF Director Dashboard is a collection of KPI reports and analyses related to awards, projects, and personnel metrics.
SPF Manager Dashboard
The SPF Manager Dashboard is a collection of reports and analyses related to grant contract set-up
Sponsored Compliance Dashboard
The Sponsored Compliance Dashboard is a collection of reports related to expenses and revenue by Sponsor. This dashboard also provides users with the ability to search for key personnel on sponsored awards
Fund Manager Workload Dashboard
The Fund Manager Workload Dashboard provides a variety of metrics for leaders to assess comparative workloads of their staff.
STAR Dashboard
STAR (Stewardship, Transparency, Accountability, Reporting) is an online dashboard powered by Cognos to provide Advancement and UC San Diego staff with access to financial information related to University p...
Student Financial Solutions Dashboard
A collection of reports and analyses to assist the Student Financial Solutions office.
Telecom Recharge Details Report
The Telecom Recharge Summary Report contains the detailed recharges posted to the department chart strings: Project, Task, & Funding Source in OFC. The primary audience for this report are financial offi...
Transaction Details Report (TDR)
The Transaction Details report provides detailed information about transactions posted to the Oracle General Ledger and PPM subledger. The report also allows users to isolate pre-defined high-risk ...
Trend Analytics Dashboard
The Trend Analytics Dashboard provides insight into how Financial Units, Project Managers, and Projects have performed over time, facilitating data-driven decision making.
UCPath Fund Exception Report
Identifies UCPath Labor Ledger transactions and Funding Entries where the fund used is different from the fund that should have been used based on the award and project attributes. UCPath fund numbers design...
UCPath-Oracle Salary Reconciliation
The UCPath-Oracle Salary Reconciliation report enables users to identify discrepancies between transactions in the UCPath Labor Ledger (DOPE) and Oracle PPM/GL. Oracle amounts for projects come from PPM, whi...
Unprocessed Transactions With Errors Report
This report shows all unprocessed costs in PPM as well as cost transfers (Adjustments) that fell into exception status.